We propose the use of the term educational restitution to describe educational activity that informs genocide survivors and their descendants about their history, culture and way of life before the genocide. We assume that genocide victims’ notions and experiences of cultural and historical identity were established before the genocide, be they varied and changing. Within the post-genocide context, lessons of history and culture can be shared within the victimized group, in a fashion that respects the cultural and historical identity that developed within the group.
educational restitution … describe(s) educational activity that informs genocide survivors and their descendants about their history, culture and way of life before the genocide
Educational Restitution & Restorative Justice
Educational restitution can be an outcome of an overarching restorative justice process that includes encounters and discussion circles. It is not retributive in nature. It does not use education as a tool to cause pain and suffering for the offenders and glorify the victims.
Educational Restitution & Apology
Apology from the offender is a pre-requisite for all processes involved in restorative justice. Genocide marginalizes victim notions of cultural and historical identity. As part of the great suffering of victims, survivors, and their larger community, genocidal acts violate the human right to the freedom of cultural and social reproduction. Apology by the perpetrator allows for some restitution of feeling of self-worth to the members of the victimized group. Such initiatives aim to reverse, if at all possible, the feelings of guilt and devaluing their own culture that genocide survivors and their descendants may have internalized.
Such initiatives aim to reverse … the feelings of guilt and devaluing their own culture that genocide survivors and their descendants may have internalized
Educational Restitution & Restitution
The returning and/or restoration of spaces and materials to the surviving remnants of victimized groups will hopefully enable them to exercise, reproduce, and learn about their pre-genocidal cultural and historical identity. Research and construction of educational aides by trained experts establish a framework and materials and methods for the teaching about the world that was destroyed.